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Going against the grain: 9 lessons from a regenerative farmer about doing things differently
Christina Gillett Christina Gillett

Going against the grain: 9 lessons from a regenerative farmer about doing things differently

Sometimes you just know things have to change. But doing things differently - against your own norm or society’s - can be scary. Find out what I learned from a Regenerative Farmer about going against the grain to make positive change in the world, restoring biodiversity, protecting the river ecosystem, and finding joy and orchids along the way. Whether or not you are a farmer, maybe there will be something in Sarah’s approach that will inspire you to embark on a new path.

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On a knife edge: what have bushcraft survival skills got to do with surviving the stress of modern life?
Christina Gillett Christina Gillett

On a knife edge: what have bushcraft survival skills got to do with surviving the stress of modern life?

So many people are stressed, anxious, overwhelmed and risking burnout. Modern living seems to push us into survival mode, always on-the-go, pulled from all sides, and technology seems to be adding to the pressure. Add in the existential threats that are always lurking and we find ourselves in chronic ‘fight or flight’. What can we apply from bushcraft survival skills to help us build resilience and cope better with the stress of modern life?

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6 ways to cope with failure (and fear of failure)
Christina Gillett Christina Gillett

6 ways to cope with failure (and fear of failure)

We heard from Mark (Big Adventures on Average Talent) about the highs and lows from his ultramarathon attempt to beat the Fastest Known Time for the 136 mile Wye Valley walk (spoiler alert: he ran his first 100 miles ever but did not make the FKT). Drawing out insights from his experience combined with what we know from psychology research, we explored how to cope with fear of failure and failure itself. The more confident we feel in our ability to cope with failure (and fear of failure), the less we will be held back from doing things that matter to us, living adventurously and making a positive difference in the world.

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How do you know when to push through & when to give up?
Christina Gillett Christina Gillett

How do you know when to push through & when to give up?

When you come across major challenges and obstacles in pursuit of your big goal, how do you know whether it’s time to show your grit & determination, & push through to the bitter end - or decide you’re in it for the long game, & it’s better to pull out now, & come back stronger? Which option demonstrates your commitment to resilience & endurance? Which option is most likely to lead to success? It's a hard decision & harder when you're stressed, but here are some ideas to help boost your decision-making confidence at that key turning point.

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5 ways that walking boosts productivity
Christina Gillett Christina Gillett

5 ways that walking boosts productivity

We know that walking is good for our mental and physical wellbeing, but under pressure to be productive, taking the time out for a walk can seem impossible. Here are 5 ways that walking is good for your productivity, helping you to be more motivated, more strategic, more focussed more creative AND protecting your health and wellbeing at the same time. So you can take time for a walk or wheel, knowing that you are maximising your chances of high quality output and impact, without sacrificing yourself and your wellbeing.

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6 lessons borrowed from Improv Artists to help us face our challenges creatively
Christina Gillett Christina Gillett

6 lessons borrowed from Improv Artists to help us face our challenges creatively

21st April is the UN International Creativity and Innovation day. It’s a challenging time in the world – on a global scale, and, if you’re like most people, you are facing constant stress and challenge in your individual, personal or professional life too. We need to be at our most creative, innovative, flexible selves if we are going to respond and adapt to challenge, and make change happen. What can we learn from Improv artists - masters of adaptability and innovation?

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Is your kindness a strength (or is it just ‘people- pleasing’)?
Christina Gillett Christina Gillett

Is your kindness a strength (or is it just ‘people- pleasing’)?

Kindness, compassion, helping others and making a positive difference in the world: these are your strengths and values, core to your passion and motivation. But why do they feel more like weaknesses and burdens these days - more likely to give you anxiety and exhaustion than energy and motivation? And how can you return them to your list of strengths?

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Doing things differently: The way things are done is not necessarily THE way to do them, and you can find a better way
Christina Gillett Christina Gillett

Doing things differently: The way things are done is not necessarily THE way to do them, and you can find a better way

You want to make a difference and have a positive impact in the world. But are you willing to do this even if it means doing things differently and creating a new norm? Would it help if I pointed out that many of the existing norms got there quite randomly and not because they are ‘the best way’? And that doing things differently might actually make things easier for you?

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Join us: Nature connection and innovation workshop, 16th March
Christina Gillett Christina Gillett

Join us: Nature connection and innovation workshop, 16th March

Join us for our in-person, Nature Connection and Innovation small-group workshop in Bristol. The workshop is in celebration of the United Nations International Day of Forests, and inspired by the day’s theme of Forests and Innovation. Hosted by an ICF accredited coach and a qualified Forest Therapy Practitioner, we will be offering relaxing nature connection as well as opportunities to reflect and open up to your creative side.

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Burning with passion this Valentine’s, or feeling a little too cool?: How do you throw yourself into your dream when you don’t know what it is?
Christina Gillett Christina Gillett

Burning with passion this Valentine’s, or feeling a little too cool?: How do you throw yourself into your dream when you don’t know what it is?

“I would give it my all and just go for it, if only I knew what ‘it’ was”. Making a change and doing something meaningful is hard. It’s hard to make the leap and start it, and it’s hard to keep going in the face of obstacles. If only you had that passion, that feeling of being connected to your values and sense of conviction that you were choosing the right path, it would give you the strength and motivation to throw everything at it. But where are you going to find it? Read on for some ideas.

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Get yourself energised and ready to make an impact this year: 5 lessons from a 90 year old with amazing core strength
Christina Gillett Christina Gillett

Get yourself energised and ready to make an impact this year: 5 lessons from a 90 year old with amazing core strength

You’ve got big ambitions this year: you want to make a positive impact in the world and see change happen for the better. But where are you going to find the energy? Here are 5 lessons from an energetic 90 year old with amazing core strength, to help you to build the inner resources you need to make change happen - sustainably

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Nature: the most natural performance booster?
Christina Gillett Christina Gillett

Nature: the most natural performance booster?

We all know that getting out for exercise and fresh air in beautiful natural scenery is good for us. But the growing evidence from research is showing us just how much our mental and physical health, ability to regulate our emotions, performance, brain function and social capacity are influenced by the environment. It might be time to prioritise time in nature if you really want to thrive.

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Dreaming of a lazy summer?
Christina Gillett Christina Gillett

Dreaming of a lazy summer?

Lazy summer days may be a thing of fiction, but finding a way to weave a little ‘laziness’ into your life could be a game-changer for your productivity, performance and resiliencein the short-term and long-term

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It’s time to celebrate
Christina Gillett Christina Gillett

It’s time to celebrate

Celebration is not just fun and games: it’s a key part of your success strategy, helping you to maintain your motivation and ultimately achieving those big goals

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The Practice of Savouring
Christina Gillett Christina Gillett

The Practice of Savouring

Can lingering by the flowers a moment longer, or sinking into the aroma of your coffee boost your resilience and help you to recover from stress? Positive Psychologists think so

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4 reasons I was grateful for the first frost this year
Christina Gillett Christina Gillett

4 reasons I was grateful for the first frost this year

Positive Psychology is clear about how practices like savouring, curiosity, gratitude and connecting with nature can have a powerful impact on improving mood, creativity, problem solving and generally help us to become thriving, more resilient beings. But how do you tear the brain away from it’s preocupation with problems, deadlines, expectations and rumination? Sometimes you need a spectacular and attention grabbing show: the first day of frost

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