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When bad feelings do good: Part 3, Fear
Many of us have experienced fear ‘holding us back’. It can be a horrible feeling and it would be great to have a magic pill to make it go away. Or would it? It turns out that there is so much more to fear: humans are often drawn to it, and when we learn to walk (perhaps cautiously) alongside it, we can discover and achieve amazing things. Perhpas we should be less afraid of fear.

Accidentally meditating
How I accidentally meditated and fell into a potentially life-changing experience

When bad feelings do good: Part 2, anxiety
Anxiety can feed anxiety and it can quickly become overwhelming. So take a pause, and get to know it a little better. You might discover that it is not quite the demon you think, and having realised this, it might become possible to work with it - or at least tolerate it more.

When bad feelings do good: Part 1, anger
Anger has its place and can even be useful at times. Without acknowledging this, you can slip into defensiveness, inadvertently feeding your anger to the point where it is much less likely to be useful. This post is about having a more nuanced and non-judgemental approach to your anger, making you more able to listen to, harness, direct, manage or diffuse your anger.

Why I'm swapping the moon for the mountains
Holding onto consistency and motivation in an unpredictable world: how a perspective shift (including easing off the focus from the long-term goals) can actually increase productivity, creativity and motivation when a lot of things are outside of your control

Improving my relationship with time
Go from being a ‘slave to time’ to understanding that ‘time is an essential ingredient in mastery’, to maximise your ability to achieve your goals and make progress