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6 lessons borrowed from Improv Artists to help us face our challenges creatively
21st April is the UN International Creativity and Innovation day. It’s a challenging time in the world – on a global scale, and, if you’re like most people, you are facing constant stress and challenge in your individual, personal or professional life too. We need to be at our most creative, innovative, flexible selves if we are going to respond and adapt to challenge, and make change happen. What can we learn from Improv artists - masters of adaptability and innovation?

Burning with passion this Valentine’s, or feeling a little too cool?: How do you throw yourself into your dream when you don’t know what it is?
“I would give it my all and just go for it, if only I knew what ‘it’ was”. Making a change and doing something meaningful is hard. It’s hard to make the leap and start it, and it’s hard to keep going in the face of obstacles. If only you had that passion, that feeling of being connected to your values and sense of conviction that you were choosing the right path, it would give you the strength and motivation to throw everything at it. But where are you going to find it? Read on for some ideas.

4 ways to beat the odds and achieve success and fulfilment in 2024 (and beyond)
Daniel Kahneman, renowned psychologist and economist, says that our success is mostly about luck. If this is true, how do we stay motivated to create what we dream of?

Get yourself energised and ready to make an impact this year: 5 lessons from a 90 year old with amazing core strength
You’ve got big ambitions this year: you want to make a positive impact in the world and see change happen for the better. But where are you going to find the energy? Here are 5 lessons from an energetic 90 year old with amazing core strength, to help you to build the inner resources you need to make change happen - sustainably

Dreaming of a lazy summer?
Lazy summer days may be a thing of fiction, but finding a way to weave a little ‘laziness’ into your life could be a game-changer for your productivity, performance and resiliencein the short-term and long-term

The Practice of Savouring
Can lingering by the flowers a moment longer, or sinking into the aroma of your coffee boost your resilience and help you to recover from stress? Positive Psychologists think so

Going for growth: living, loving and learning through experience
Believing that your abilities and qualities are not set in stone can be a key part of actually enabling those abilities and qualities to grow and lead you to success.

Big Adventures On Average Talent: having a growth mindset super power
How can you have an adventurous life if you are simply average? Mark Gillett, adventure runner, shares some of the highs and lows of his adventures and explains how he even has the audacity to try. Keen on challenge, failure, risk, and problems? If the answer is yes, read on. If it’s no, definitely read on!

When bad feelings do good: Part 3, Fear
Many of us have experienced fear ‘holding us back’. It can be a horrible feeling and it would be great to have a magic pill to make it go away. Or would it? It turns out that there is so much more to fear: humans are often drawn to it, and when we learn to walk (perhaps cautiously) alongside it, we can discover and achieve amazing things. Perhpas we should be less afraid of fear.

When bad feelings do good: Part 2, anxiety
Anxiety can feed anxiety and it can quickly become overwhelming. So take a pause, and get to know it a little better. You might discover that it is not quite the demon you think, and having realised this, it might become possible to work with it - or at least tolerate it more.

When bad feelings do good: Part 1, anger
Anger has its place and can even be useful at times. Without acknowledging this, you can slip into defensiveness, inadvertently feeding your anger to the point where it is much less likely to be useful. This post is about having a more nuanced and non-judgemental approach to your anger, making you more able to listen to, harness, direct, manage or diffuse your anger.

Why I'm swapping the moon for the mountains
Holding onto consistency and motivation in an unpredictable world: how a perspective shift (including easing off the focus from the long-term goals) can actually increase productivity, creativity and motivation when a lot of things are outside of your control