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5 ways that walking boosts productivity
We know that walking is good for our mental and physical wellbeing, but under pressure to be productive, taking the time out for a walk can seem impossible. Here are 5 ways that walking is good for your productivity, helping you to be more motivated, more strategic, more focussed more creative AND protecting your health and wellbeing at the same time. So you can take time for a walk or wheel, knowing that you are maximising your chances of high quality output and impact, without sacrificing yourself and your wellbeing.

6 lessons borrowed from Improv Artists to help us face our challenges creatively
21st April is the UN International Creativity and Innovation day. It’s a challenging time in the world – on a global scale, and, if you’re like most people, you are facing constant stress and challenge in your individual, personal or professional life too. We need to be at our most creative, innovative, flexible selves if we are going to respond and adapt to challenge, and make change happen. What can we learn from Improv artists - masters of adaptability and innovation?

4 responses to your procrastinating-self that are more effective than name-calling
Your procrastination is causing you stress and you are reaching peak frustratration with this self-sabotaging behaviour. Your attempts to push through it with self-discipline and tough self-talk aren’t working, but there may be better ways to get you moving again - without an insult or punishment in sight.

Dreaming of a lazy summer?
Lazy summer days may be a thing of fiction, but finding a way to weave a little ‘laziness’ into your life could be a game-changer for your productivity, performance and resiliencein the short-term and long-term

The Practice of Savouring
Can lingering by the flowers a moment longer, or sinking into the aroma of your coffee boost your resilience and help you to recover from stress? Positive Psychologists think so