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6 lessons borrowed from Improv Artists to help us face our challenges creatively
Christina Gillett Christina Gillett

6 lessons borrowed from Improv Artists to help us face our challenges creatively

21st April is the UN International Creativity and Innovation day. It’s a challenging time in the world – on a global scale, and, if you’re like most people, you are facing constant stress and challenge in your individual, personal or professional life too. We need to be at our most creative, innovative, flexible selves if we are going to respond and adapt to challenge, and make change happen. What can we learn from Improv artists - masters of adaptability and innovation?

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When bad feelings do good: Part 3, Fear
Uncategorized Christina Gillett Uncategorized Christina Gillett

When bad feelings do good: Part 3, Fear

Many of us have experienced fear ‘holding us back’. It can be a horrible feeling and it would be great to have a magic pill to make it go away. Or would it? It turns out that there is so much more to fear: humans are often drawn to it, and when we learn to walk (perhaps cautiously) alongside it, we can discover and achieve amazing things. Perhpas we should be less afraid of fear.

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